This year has been significant in the life of Coast Community Church in a number of ways. Perhaps most significantly, we have taken time to reflect on why we exist as a church, what we are doing, and how we are equipping people to be disciples of Jesus who make new disciples. This reflection and prayerful consideration has caused us to not only examine the things we already do, but to also embark on a new strategy, Home Churches.
This new Home Church strategy is laser-focused on discipleship and specifically on the evangelistic aspect of being apprenticed to Jesus. To this end, we recognise that our homes are extremely important, likely even more so than the church building and larger corporate gatherings.
It is clear in the New Testament that the home is not only a key discipleship and disciple-making environment, it is also the context in which social divides are bridged in Jesus’ name. For us today however, we don’t often see the same diversity represented in our Sunday gatherings. We certainly don’t see the demographic spectrum that makes up the Central Coast gathered in either our Bensville or Tumbi services.
Why is this? Why are our church gatherings not representative of our community? There are many reasons of course, but the most obvious ones are to do with perceived risk and practical accessibility. These obstacles, we believe, can be largely overcome within the context of Home Churches.
For those facing accessibility barriers due to age, illness, work or family demands, Home Churches established specifically to overcome these obstacles could allow people to participate who might otherwise be practically excluded. Similarly, those people who dare not set foot in a church building for fear of rejection, guilt or shame, might muster the courage (in response to a warm invitation) to attend a Home Church.
Our desire is that none would be excluded. That between our regular campus services, our online streaming and Home Churches, that we would find ways for anyone to engage with Coast Community Church.
We can foresee a number of ways in which Home Churches might be constituted – either by specific needs, by geography or demographic. In each instance, personal relationship and invitation is key. Those who sense a ‘call’ toward Home Church Leadership will have a heart for their neighbours, or for those who are marginalised or limited in some way in their ability to access church in traditional ways.
Home Churches are effectively micro-campuses of Coast Community Church. There is no expectation that those attending a Home Church need to ‘graduate’ to one of our larger campuses, though this may happen from time to time. As micro-campuses, Home Churches follow in the vein of teaching from the Sunday service. Home Church Leaders can present the full recording of the Sunday service, or show only the message and provide all other service leading locally.
Because of the importance of this spiritual-leadership function, Home Church Leaders are recognised, commissioned, supported by and accountable to church leadership. We want to amplify the importance of home-based ministry and must also sure-up the scaffolding around it.
To this end, Home Church Leaders must be partners[1]of Coast Community Church and be committed to hosting safe environments of spiritual growth and exploration. They will hold a current Working With Children Check, complete Safe Spaces training and will ensure the location of their gathering is appropriate. All of these matters can be discussed going forward.
Every Home Church Leader will connect monthly with a member of the Ministry Leadership Team, as well as attend an evening meeting each quarter for the purpose of building a leadership community, sharing stories and testimonies, encouragement and training. Home-based-ministry leaders will also attend a residential retreat annually. We really want to invest in the formation and spiritual wellbeing of each leader!
[1] Coast Community Partners agree with our basis of faith and are committed to supporting our Values, Vision and Mission. Partners are vibrant and active members of our faith community – they are disciples who make new disciples. Partners participate in decision-making events and community forums such as the annual business meeting and partnership evenings. Partners actively and lovingly contribute to the growth and health of Coast Community.
Before submitting an Expression of Interest, we ask that you prayerfully consider everything above.
Once you have done this, invite a trusted friend to talk and pray it through together.
When you have a degree of conviction (not necessarily comfort or confidence!) submit your Expression of Interest form below. One of our Senior Leadership Team (Kev, Andrew or Jeff) will make a time to connect in person to explore the assignment together.