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“A thriving family knows what it is about. Your family can live from a deep sense of purpose and a positive vision of the future that you can articulate and use as a guide for decision making.” 

- Belonging & Becoming

We Invite you to attend the Thriving Families Master Class with guests Mark & Lisa Scandrette on Saturday 14th March, 2020. Participate in four practical workshops on becoming and being a Thriving Family with Purpose, exploring your own family vision for now and the future.

Workshop 1 A vision for family thriving.

Workshop 2 Creating A Family Purpose Agreement

Practice: Work on Family Purpose Agreement

Workshop 3 Three Core Skills for family thriving.

Practice: Have a state of the family conversation.

Workshop 4  What’s Your Next Step? Q & A.

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Mark and Lisa Scandrette are co founders of ReIMAGINE: A Center for Integral Christian Practice. They lead an annual series of retreats, workshops and projects designed to help participants apply spiritual wisdom to everyday life. For twenty five years they have devoted themselves to creating community, offering hospitality, and inviting transformation in at risk neighbourhoods. They live in the Mission District of San Francisco and have three young adult children. Mark is also the author of Practicing the Way of Jesus and together they are coauthors of the book, FREE: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most.

'Belonging and Becoming' by Mark and Lisa Scandrette
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Dave and Kristen - A Thriving Family Story from 'Belonging and Becoming' by Mark and Lisa Scandrette
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Details Saturday 14th March, 2020 | 8:30am - 3:30pm 
Coast Community Church, Bensville Campus
Registration $150 per Couple  or  $100 Per Person​ / $80 Concession.
Includes Meals for the day and a copy of Mark & Lisa's 'Book Belonging & Becoming'. 
EARLY BIRD RATE - 20% off Ticket Sales use the discount code 'Earlybird' 
Early Bird ends midnight 23rd Feb
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