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LENT 2024



As Easter approaches,  we invite you to participate in the season of Lent—a season to lean into practices that help us recognise the tragedy and the triumph of the cross.


Modelled around Jesus' forty days in the wilderness and His defeat of temptation (Matthew 4). The intentional practice of prayer and fasting reminds us that He is our strength against all temptation in this life and acknowledges our need for Christ's death on Good Friday.


For more than a thousand years, Christians worldwide have observed the Lenten season with the sober acknowledgement that with humanity came sin; with sin came death. As believers, we are invited—though not required—to do the same. 


Here are some ways you can participate this Lenten season: 


Sacrifice - usually associated with fasting, we sacrifice something in our every day to allow space to reflect and meditate on the cross and the sacrifice Jesus has made for all of us. 

Some examples of fasting over lent 

Social media, TV, a meal a day, meat, coffee etc. 


Prayer - Commit to intentional daily prayer over the Lent period. You may want to read some liturgical prayers, Lord's Prayer or scripture. 


Lent 2024 starts this Wednesday, 14th February, known as Ash Wednesday and finishes on the Easter weekend. 


The invitation in this Lenten season is to help us on our transformation journey; it is not to be religious but to seek Jesus in our daily walk. Can I encourage you to consider joining us?


Many great resources and tools are available if you are looking for more information. Here are some recommendations:


Greenhouse Podcast- a quick and succinct 10-minute explanation and an invitation to lent.

Ruth Haley Barton- Ash Wednesday devotion - a great way to kick off.

Bible App (YouVersion) Devotion- Lent For Everyone by N T Wright

Preparation Prayer Guide - Daily prayer guide for the week leading up to Ash Wednesday

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